Jackie Strecker has been a Research Awardee with the International Development Research Centre (IDRC) for the past two years. She was first with the Peace, Conflict and Development Program, and is currently working with the Evaluation Unit. Strecker was a SSHRC funded M.A. student in the Communication and Culture Program at York and Ryerson University. Her most recent IDRC supported research examined the integration of information communication technologies (ICTs) within protracted refugee camps in East Africa. This work built upon earlier thesis research conducted in 2008 when Strecker traveled to the Kakuma Refugee Camp, as a participant with the WUSC’s Refugee Study Seminar. During this time she served as an intern with FilmAid International and delivered pre-departure orientation sessions for Windle Trust Kenya. Strecker M.A. field research included a participatory photography project conducted in collaboration with the local refugee community.
United Nations High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR)
Jacqueline Strecker (The UNHCR Innovation & Education Team, Geneva, Switzerland)