
The council of Europe and the reduction of statelessness

Scharer, R. (2006). The council of Europe and the reduction of statelessness. Refugee Survey Quarterly. 25(3). 33-39. The Council of Europe has for a long time made significant efforts with regard to the avoidance and reduction of statelessness. Based on the fundamental principle that everyone has the right to a nationality, enshrined in article 15 … متابعة قراءة The council of Europe and the reduction of statelessness

Criminalization and Victimization of Migrants in Europe

please find below the table of contents of Criminalization and  Victimization of Migrants in Europe and the link to the full book  (pdf): http://www.reseau-terra.eu/IMG/pdf/criminalisation.pdf **CONTENTSIntroduction, Salvatore PALIDDA General aspects– Media and the war on immigration, Marcello MANERI– The Detention Machine, Federico RAHOLA– The U.S. Penal Experiment, Alessandro De GIORGI– The methamorphosis of asylum in Europe, … متابعة قراءة Criminalization and Victimization of Migrants in Europe