India: five years on: the bitter and uphill struggle for justice in Gujarat
Five years since the 2002 communal violence in the Western Indian state of Gujarat in which more than 2, 000 people were killed, Amnesty International remains concerned about the ongoing impact of that violence on the Muslim minority in Gujarat. This includes the situation of internally displaced persons in the region.
India: the state must ensure redress for the victims: a memorandum to the Government of Gujarat on its duties in the aftermath of the violence
Amnesty International reminds all the relevant government authorities in Gujarat that the violence, as well as the circumstances in which it happened, give rise to precise responsibilities for the state with respect to redress for the victims. The organization believes that two areas of concern need to be addressed by the government authorities as a … متابعة قراءة India: the state must ensure redress for the victims: a memorandum to the Government of Gujarat on its duties in the aftermath of the violence →
Amnesty International and India
This report is an introduction to Amnesty International and its concerns in India. It answers basic questions about Amnesty International: its role as a non-governmental international human rights organization; its worldwide membership, its mandate for action, its campaigning methods; and its work and membership in India. It includes information on AI concerns for refugees and … متابعة قراءة Amnesty International and India →