Zaire: lawlessness and insecurity in North and South-Kivu
This report describes human rights abuses in North and South-Kivu and covers the period up to the attacks on, and mass movement of, refugees in the area in October 1996.
Greal lakes region: still in need of protection: repatriation, refoulement and the safety of refugees and the internally displaced
Throughout October and November 1996, the attention of much of the world was riveted on eastern Zaire, as an enormous humanitarian tragedy unfolded. Long simmering violence in the area exploded into open warfare and massive human rights violations. Over one million refugees from Rwanda and Burundi, and several hundred thousand internally displaced Zairians, were caught … متابعة قراءة Greal lakes region: still in need of protection: repatriation, refoulement and the safety of refugees and the internally displaced →