
Working Paper 24: Promoting Accountability for Conflict-Related Sexual Violence Against Men: A Comparative Legal Analysis of International and Domestic Laws Relating to IDP and Refugee Men in Uganda.

Refugee Law Project, in collaboration with the International Human Rights Law Clinic, University of California, Berkeley, School of Law is pleased to announce the publication of “Working Paper 24: Promoting Accountability for Conflict-Related Sexual Violence Against Men: A Comparative Legal Analysis of International and Domestic Laws Relating to IDP and Refugee Men in Uganda.” This … متابعة قراءة Working Paper 24: Promoting Accountability for Conflict-Related Sexual Violence Against Men: A Comparative Legal Analysis of International and Domestic Laws Relating to IDP and Refugee Men in Uganda.

Is sexual violence being efficiently addressed in global conflict zones?

The UK will invest millions of pounds to reduce the rampant rates of sexual violence in war-affected countries. Samer Abdelnour examines why part of the solution will be to give women fuel-efficient stoves.

Gender Against Men

The film ‘Gender Against Men’ is available to view on the Forced Migration Online website. Gender Against Men exposes the hidden world of sexual and gender-based violence against men in the conflicts of the Great Lakes Region. The film demonstrates how male identities are under attack and how rape when used as a weapon of … متابعة قراءة Gender Against Men