
Lebanon: a human rights agenda for the parliamentary elections

Includes a number of points regarding Palestinian refugees in Lebanon

Turkmenistan: the clampdown on dissent and religious freedom continues

Includes concerns regarding failed asylum seekers forcibly returned to Turkmenistan.

UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination: written submission to the CERD thematic discussion on non-citizens and racial discrimination

Includes numerous serious concerns regarding refugees and asylum seekers.

Russian Federation: Amnesty International statement on the situation of Chechen asylum-seekers

In this paper Amnesty International states its position on the issue of internal flight/relocation alternatives, with reference to the UNHCR Paper on Asylum-Seekers from the Russian Federation in the Context of the Situation in Chechnya, from February 2003.

Liberia: war in Lofa County does not justify killing, torture and abduction

This report details human rights abuses carried out by government forces and armed opposition groups in the context of fighting in Lofa County and makes a series of recommendations, aimed at ending those abuses, to the governments of Liberia and Guinea, the leaders of the armed opposition groups and the international community. It includes concerns … متابعة قراءة Liberia: war in Lofa County does not justify killing, torture and abduction

Myanmar: ethnic minorities: targets of repression

In this document, Amnesty International outlines its findings and concerns with regard to ethnic minorities living in parts of the Mon, Shan and Kayin States, and in the Tanintharyi Division. This information is based on interviews with refugees in Thailand during February 2001. The interviewees, almost all of whom are subsistence farmers, fled from their … متابعة قراءة Myanmar: ethnic minorities: targets of repression

Zambia: forcible exile to suppress dissent

Amnesty International believes the Government of Zambia is harassing, intimidating and trying to silence its critics through forcible expulsion, or the threat of such forcible expulsion. Those perceived as opposing government policy have been subject to investigations of their citizenship, as well as stated or implied threats of deportation. This reflects a broader strategy of … متابعة قراءة Zambia: forcible exile to suppress dissent