
Refugee Law Project: Rapid Assessment Report (South Sudan crisis); Report on UN workshop on sexual violence against men and boys; ‘Undressing Patriarchy: Men and Structural Violence’

SOUTH SUDAN CRISIS: IMPACT ON NORTHERN UGANDA – RAPID ASSESSMENT REPORT In response to the South Sudan crisis and refugee influx in northern Uganda, the Refugee Law Project under its Advisory Consortium on Conflict Sensitivity (ACCS) conducted a rapid assessment study to assess the impact of the conflict and refugee influx in post-conflict northern Uganda … متابعة قراءة Refugee Law Project: Rapid Assessment Report (South Sudan crisis); Report on UN workshop on sexual violence against men and boys; ‘Undressing Patriarchy: Men and Structural Violence’

Technical, Vocational, and Entrepreneurial Capacities in Southern Sudan: Assessment and Opportunities

In 2006, Plan International entered into a partnership with the Government of Southern Sudan(GOSS) to support the development of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) in theregion. This study reports on this work, extending a growing body of research based at the Centre forRefugee Studies, York University, and informing the work of Plan International … متابعة قراءة Technical, Vocational, and Entrepreneurial Capacities in Southern Sudan: Assessment and Opportunities