
Displacement, transitional justice and reconciliation: Assumptions, challenges and lessons

 This policy briefing explores the links between reconciliation, forced migration and transitional justice, bringing into focus the ways in which displaced persons figure in transitional justice processes, and the potential implications of this involvement for reconciliation. The briefing addresses the interlinked conceptual and practical challenges associated with trying to advance reconciliation in post-conflict societies affected … متابعة قراءة Displacement, transitional justice and reconciliation: Assumptions, challenges and lessons

Letter to Dr. Kip Chelugut concerning Kenyan Refugees Bill, 1990

Visit to Juba, Southern Sudan, 18-21 March, 1975 : report to Courtney A. Nelson in Beirut

Khmers in Thailand: the old and the new. The borders revisited. July 1991.

ICVA Statements, adopted in Senegal meeting March 1991, with covering letter to all member agencies : 1. Gulf Crisis ; 2. African Crisis ; 3. ICVA approach to UN Conference on Environment & Development (UNCED) June 1992

The 1997 municipal elections in Bosnia and Herzegovina : a pamphlet for distribution to all out of country voters excluding those residing in FRY and Croatia. A two-step process : first you must register… then you can vote!

Sri Lanka : events leading to internal displacement and refugee outflow

Commentary: A United States’ perspective on ‘Race’ and housing in Britain. Paper prepared for workshop convened by the Rowntree Foundation on Race and Housing in Britain 4-5 April 1991, York University

Migration & development : next steps. Presentation before L’Arche de la Fraternite Foundation, Paris, 16 – 17 May 1991

…unwept and unsung. The story of the slow death of civilians in the war zones of Srilanka