Pastoralist Concern Association Ethiopia (PCAE) Annual Report 2000: food security for Ethiopian pastoralists
Rainfall in Ethiopia is becoming increasingly erratic
In-depth study of the knowledge, attitude, behavior and practice (KABP) of internally displaced persons (IDPs) in Ethiopia toward HIV/AIDS and their health status and medical care assessment
Ethiopia health sector development programme: report of the mid term review mission 7 February to 8 March 2001
Famine mitigation activity grant program: Ethiopia projects interim evaluation
Beyond the merry-go-round to the relief-development continuum: prospects for linking USAID relief and development resources in Amhara National Regional State (ANRS)
Country experiences in famine mitigation
Consultancy report on assessment of emergency assistance requirement to the livestock sector of Ethiopia
Appeal for immediate food needs and scenarios of likely emergency needs in 2003: Ethiopia
Obstacles to regional trade in the Horn of Africa: borders, markets, and production