“Improving Census-Based Socioeconomic GIS for Public Policy”
There are a number of socioeconomic phenomena that are difficult to discern using only census data. We present an innovative approach developed to discern the spatial dimensions of risk for homelessness amongst recent immigrants in Vancouver, Canada. Dasymetric mapping and a postal survey are employed to improve the resolution and utility of census data. The … متابعة قراءة “Improving Census-Based Socioeconomic GIS for Public Policy” →
Beyond Either/Or: A Feminist Analysis of September 11th
‘Feminist geopolitics’ offers a critical framework for analyzing the events and aftermath of September 11th. This grid of intelligibility seeks to provide a more accountable, embodied understanding of intersections of power and space at multiple scales. It challenges the logic of either/or reasoning, and related responses to September 11th. The escalation of violence, such that … متابعة قراءة Beyond Either/Or: A Feminist Analysis of September 11th →