“The Diffuse Border: Intelligence-Sharing, Control and Confinement Along Canada’s Smart Border”
Taking its cue from Deleuze’s reading of Foucault’s notion of apparatus (dispositif), this article explores the assemblage of mechanisms, institutions, discourses and practices that came to be conceptualized as a “smart border.” Through an examination of Canadian policy documents, this article analyses the smart border as a “diffuse border.” Physically extending beyond and inside its … متابعة قراءة “The Diffuse Border: Intelligence-Sharing, Control and Confinement Along Canada’s Smart Border” →
The Right of Repatriation – Canadian Refugee Policy: The Case of Rwanda
This paper examines the principle of the right to repatriation and the Canadian dilemma in applying that principle in dealing with both refugees and the country from which they originally fled, Rwanda. It is particularly concerned with the right of individuals to be a member of a state and with the right to regain membership … متابعة قراءة The Right of Repatriation – Canadian Refugee Policy: The Case of Rwanda →
Acting in a Tight Spot: Homi Bhabha’s Postcolonial Politics
Homi Bhabha’s writing on postcolonial agency foregrounds discursive subjection, yet retrieves subaltern subterfuge. It reconstructs a critical politics despite and because of hegemonic and orientalist representational systems. And it demonstrates the (im)possibility of a stable subject, but still manages to assert creative and performative agency. The article endeavours to analyse these feats and paradoxes, relying … متابعة قراءة Acting in a Tight Spot: Homi Bhabha’s Postcolonial Politics →
Capitalism, Culture, Agency: Dependency Versus Postcolonial Theory
This article reads dependency alongside and against postcolonial theory in an attempt to reinvigorate and re-validate some of the insights of the former while at the same time supporting the latter’s current ascendancy in the field of Third World politics. It is argued that although dependency and post- colonial theory share some common territory — … متابعة قراءة Capitalism, Culture, Agency: Dependency Versus Postcolonial Theory →