Bosnia-Herzegovina: honouring the ghosts: challenging impunity for disappearances
This document states that disappearances represent perhaps the largest unresolved human rights issue in Bosnia-Herzegovina. The number of victims and their relatives is huge. Virtually no cases have resulted in those responsible having been brought to justice and the trauma of relatives and dependants left behind has not healed. As is the case with other … Continue reading Bosnia-Herzegovina: honouring the ghosts: challenging impunity for disappearances →
Bosnia-Herzegovina: waiting on the doorstep: minority returns to eastern Republika Srpska
This document describes Amnesty International’s concerns in 2000 and puts forward recommendations related to the implementation of the right to return in parts of the Republika Srpska, notably the Drina river valley (also known as the Podrinje region) in the east of the entity.
Bosnia-Herzegovina: righting the wrongs: recommendations regarding return of refugees and displaced people for 1998
As the authorities in Bosnia-Herzegovina and governments of countries which host refugees from Bosnia-Herzegovina meet to discuss plans for repatriation and return of refugees and displaced people in 1998, it is necessary also to evaluate the experiences of 1997. The questions in such an evaluation cannot only focus on why fewer than expected people repatriated … Continue reading Bosnia-Herzegovina: righting the wrongs: recommendations regarding return of refugees and displaced people for 1998 →
Bosnia-Herzegovina: all the way home: safe minority returns as a just remedy and for a secure future
This document gives the background to Amnesty International’s concerns about the current obstacles to minority return in Bosnia-Herzegovina, and the organization’s objections to involuntary return to majority areas, including the ending of temporary protection for refugees.
Bosnia-Herzegovina: all the way home update: Drvar, Derventa, and other recent cases of violence linked to minority return
Recent violent incidents linked to the return of members of minorities to the communities from which they were expelled or fled during the armed conflict reinforce Amnesty International’s concerns that minority returns are risky and should be wholly voluntary. While some recent violent incidents have been provoked by the return or visits of members of … Continue reading Bosnia-Herzegovina: all the way home update: Drvar, Derventa, and other recent cases of violence linked to minority return →
Bosnia-Herzegovina: the international community’s responsibility to ensure human rights
This report is concerned with the action to be taken both by local parties and the international community to ensure that human rights are preserved in the former Yugoslav republics, and that refugees may return safely
Bosnia-Herzegovina: to bury my brothers’ bones
This report discusses the fate of those missing in Bosnia-Herzegovina, and the necessary processes the local and international communities will have to go through before any kind of normality can be resumed in the area, and refugees can begin to return.
An open letter from Amnesty International to all participants at the London Peace Implementation Conference, 4 to 5 December 1996
Amnesty International believes that the prevention of and redress for human rights violations in Bosnia-Herzegovina must ultimately be the responsibility of its authorities, courts and national human rights institutions. However, in a country which has only just appointed and has yet to prove the effectiveness of, its national government, Amnesty International believes that it would … Continue reading An open letter from Amnesty International to all participants at the London Peace Implementation Conference, 4 to 5 December 1996 →