Age & Generation in Canada’s Migration Law, Policy, & Programming
by Christina Clark-Kazak, York University [RRN/CRS Policy Brief Submitted to the Government of Canada, December 2, 2016] Executive Summary Age and generation are central to forced migration experiences and processes for several reasons. First, different demographic profiles exist in different migration contexts, with age issues factoring into migration decisions and policymaking. Second, people at different … Continue reading Age & Generation in Canada’s Migration Law, Policy, & Programming →
Children on the Run: Unaccompanied Children Leaving Central America and Mexico and the Need for International Protection
The full report can be dowloaded at the link below.
Buried Alive: Stateless Kurds in Syria
Lynch, M. & Ali, P. (2006). Buried alive: Stateless Kurds in Syria. Refugee International. Introduction Stateless Kurds in Syria are virtually invisible people. Numbering about 300,000, this group is in a unique situation in relation to the larger Kurdish population. There are no exact figures for the number of Kurds in Syria because of the political implications of over- or underestimation, … Continue reading Buried Alive: Stateless Kurds in Syria →
Arendts children: Do todays migrant children have a right to have rights?
Bhabha, J. (2009). Arendts children: Do todays migrant children have a right to have rights? Human Rights Quarterly. 31(2). 410-451. Large numbers of child migrants todayhere referred to as Arendts childrenare functionally stateless, whether or not they have a legal nationality. The fundamental rights to protection, family life, education, and health care that these … Continue reading Arendts children: Do todays migrant children have a right to have rights? →
Children without a state: A global human rights challenge
Bhabha, J. (2011). Children without a state: A global human rights challenge. Cambridge: MIT Press. Children are among the most vulnerable citizens of the world, with a special need for the protections, rights, and services offered by states. And yet children are particularly at risk from statelessness. Thirty-six percent of all births in the … Continue reading Children without a state: A global human rights challenge →
Detention and the Best Interests of the Child
The CCR has just published a report, Detention and Best interests of the child, which shows that detention of children is NOT limited to exceptional circumstances and that their best interests are not always considered.