This Point of Entry focuses on the statelessness experienced by the Rohingya and the role of government policies in Myanmar and Bangladesh in perpetuating this status.

Re-imagining Myanmar citizenship in times of transition
Jose Maria Arraiza
Arraiza analyzes the role of the 1982 Citizenship Act in framing nationhood and belonging in Myanmar and argues that this law should be revised.

Discrimination and the Human Security of Stateless People
Amal de Chickera and Joanna Whiteman
De Chickera and Whiteman examine the relationship between statelessness and discrimination, using the case study of the Rohingya to examine the vulnerabilities associated with this status.

Unpacking the Presumed Statelessness of Rohingyas
Nyi Nyi Kyaw
Kyaw argues that, while advocacy to date has focused on the need to amend Myanmar’s citizenship law, what is at issue is a lack of implementation of the terms of the legislation and the arbitrary withholding of the right to nationality from the Rohingya population.