Alison Crosby
2003. Doctor of Philosophy, Department of Sociology, York University, Toronto, Canada.
1995. Master in Environmental Studies, Faculty of Environmental Studies, York University, Toronto, Canada.
1992. Bachelor of Arts (Honours, Cantab), Social and Political Science, University of Cambridge, UK.
Latin America Studies Association (LASA)
Advisory Board member, Impunity Watch ( (link is external))
Co-coordinator, Women in Conflict Zones Network (WICZNET) ( (link is external))
2009-2012 Understanding women’s struggles for justice, healing and redress: A study of gender and reparation in postwar Guatemala (Principal Investigator), funded by a SSHRC Standard Grant ($85,226) and IDRC ($11,797 for 09/10) (see (link is external) for more information on the project).
2008. Women in Conflict Zones Network Conference Revisioning and Reimagining the Future, Dubrovnik, Croatia, May 2008 (Principal Investigator), International Development Research Centre (IDRC) ($16,000)
2008. Towards a Transnational Feminist Understanding of Transitional Justice Processes in Latin America (Principal Investigator) Faculty of Arts Research Grant, York University ($2,645)
2006.The Boundaries of Belonging: Reflections on Migration Policy into the 21st Century (Principal Investigator, with Inter Pares), International Development Research Centre (IDRC), $50,000