Prairie Centre of Excellence for Research on Immigration and Integration (PCERII)

The Prairie Centre of Excellence for Research on Immigration and Integration is one of four research centres involved in immigration and integration research. The Prairie Centre is a consortium representing six prairie universities including the University of Alberta; University of Calgary; University of Manitoba; University of Regina; University of Saskatchewan and the University of Winnipeg. The Centre is based at the University of Alberta, in Edmonton, with research nodes at each of the other five universities. The Prairie Metropolis Centre’s overall objectives include, developing research programs in a number of research domains; documenting the specific strategies that immigrant groups employ to effect successful integration within urban structures and systems, the processes by which these strategies are pursued and modified, and the outcomes of these processes; identifying policy options that relate to immigrant integration into Canadian society and; communicating the Centre’s research findings broadly to academic and non-academic audiences. The goal is to better understand the processes by which immigrants become Canadians.

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