United States of America: memorandum to the US Government on the rights of people in US custody in Afghanistan and Guantánamo Bay
More than one thousand foreign nationals were arrested and detained in the USA in post-11 September sweeps, and a great many people were taken into US custody in Afghanistan and elsewhere outside the USA, some 300 of these had been transferred to the US naval base at Guantánamo Bay in Cuba at the time of … متابعة قراءة United States of America: memorandum to the US Government on the rights of people in US custody in Afghanistan and Guantánamo Bay →
United Kingdom: rights denied: The UK’s response to 11 September 2001.
Amnesty International is deeply concerned about serious human rights violations that have taken place as a consequence of the United Kingdom (UK) authorities’ response to the 11 September 2001 attacks in the United States of America (USA). This document focuses on the human rights violations that those detained in the aftermath of the events of … متابعة قراءة United Kingdom: rights denied: The UK’s response to 11 September 2001. →
United Kingdom: Amnesty International’s Memorandum to the UK Government on Part 4 of the Anti-terrorism, Crime and Security Act 2001
In this memorandum Amnesty International expresses its concern about a number of provisions of the Anti-terrorism, Crime and Security Act 2001 (the ATCSA) and the consequences of its implementation. Amnesty International believes that some provisions of the ATCSA are inconsistent with a number of international human rights and refugee law standards, including treaty provisions by … متابعة قراءة United Kingdom: Amnesty International’s Memorandum to the UK Government on Part 4 of the Anti-terrorism, Crime and Security Act 2001 →
Greece: in the shadow of impunity: ill-treatment and the misuse of firearms
This report documents the persistence of serious human rights violations in Greece. In particular, it presents numerous allegations of ill-treatment, in some cases amounting to torture, of detainees, generally during arrest or at police stations. It also examines a number of instances of shootings, in disputed circumstances, resulting in the death or wounding of individuals, … متابعة قراءة Greece: in the shadow of impunity: ill-treatment and the misuse of firearms →
China: torture in China: a growing scourge in China: time for action
This report presents a representative cross section of the many hundreds of cases of torture in China monitored by Amnesty International in the last few years. It examines the reasons why torture continues in China, analysing the legal framework for the prosecution of crimes of torture and the protection of detainees, and describing inadequacies in … متابعة قراءة China: torture in China: a growing scourge in China: time for action →
United States of America: ‘I’m not an inmate. Why should I be treated as one?’: women asylum-seekers punished for state’s failure to protect them
Women asylum-seekers are being seriously ill-treated in a local Miami jail where they were transferred following allegations of sexual abuse at a Florida-based immigration centre. Amnesty International believes that the move has effectively resulted in the women being punished for the USA authorities’ failure to protect them.
January 2000 Newsletter
Includes a number of concerns regarding Colombian IDPs, Palestinian displaced persons and Burundian regroupment camps.
Myanmar: a challenge for the international community
This report provides an update on political imprisonment in Myanmar during the first nine months of 1997. It concludes with recommendations to the UN General Assembly and the SLORC.
Republic of Congo: political detainees in legal limbo
This document expresses AI’s concerns regarding the detention without trial of several people in the Republic of Congo, including three asylum seekers from the DRC.
USA Guantánamo: Fate of former detainees
This document includes quotes from former detainees of Guantanamo, and outlines what has happened to them since being released.