
(English) IDMC Case Study – Protracted disaster displacement in Japan

عفوا، هذه المدخلة موجودة فقط في English.

(English) Environmental Displacement and Environmental Migration: Blurred Boundaries Require Integrated Policies

عفوا، هذه المدخلة موجودة فقط في English.

Definir la migracio?n por motivos medioambientales

Todos los estudios sobre el tema contienen expresiones y conceptos como ‘migración por motivos medioambientales’, ‘migración inducida por el cambio climático’, ‘refugiados medioambientales’ o ‘ecológicos’, ‘migrantes debido al cambio climático’ y ‘migrantes forzados por motivos medioambientales’. El principal motivo de la falta de definición sobre la migración causada por la degradación o el cambio medioambiental … متابعة قراءة Definir la migracio?n por motivos medioambientales

Moving Stories report: The voices of people who move in the context of environmental change

We have just released the Moving Stories report: http://climatemigration.org.uk/moving-stories-report-the-voices-of-people-who-move-in-the-context-of-environmental/ The report contains testimonies from across the world from people who have an environmental dimension to their displacement or decision to migrate. We hope the report will give a sense of the experiences of people who move in this context, as well as exploring this complex … متابعة قراءة Moving Stories report: The voices of people who move in the context of environmental change

Resources on legal protection for people who move in the context of environmental change

During 2013 the UK Climate Change and Migration Coalition (UKCCMC) held series of events to debate and discuss legal protection for people who move in the context of environmental change. During the events and workshops we collected feedback from a huge range of participants. The two documents are the result the thinking and feedback that … متابعة قراءة Resources on legal protection for people who move in the context of environmental change


Dear RRN Members, I hope this message finds you well. We have been working on an annotated bibliography on “Nature-Society Relations in and of International Borders” witha longer-term goal of producing a formal, peer-reviewed literature review on the subject. This project is part of a larger RRN Cluster on Environmental Displacement and has been generously … متابعة قراءة ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY ON NATURE-SOCIETY RELATIONS IN & OF INTERNATIONAL BORDERS

Environmentally displaced people: Understanding linkages between environmental change, livelihoods and forced migration

This policy brief provides an incisive overview of environmentally induced displacement, arguing for a more nuanced analysis of the problem that moves beyond the discourse of ‘environmental refugees’ and which is based on concrete data, as well as calling for substantial reform of existing protection mechanisms to incorporate the environmentally displaced in a meaningful way.

Protection and the role of legal and normative frameworks

Protection and the role of legal and normative frameworks. In F. Laczko & C. Aghazarm (Eds.), Migration, environment and climate change: Assessing the evidence (pp. 285-441). Geneva: IOM.

Protecting people displaced by climate change: Some conceptual challenges

Protecting people displaced by climate change: Some conceptual challenges. In J. McAdam (Ed.), Climate change and displacement: Multidisciplinary perspectives.

Protecting environmentally displaced people: Developing the capacity of legal and normative frameworks

Protecting environmentally displaced people: Developing the capacity of legal and normative frameworks. Research Report. Oxford: Refugee Studies Centre.