Dominicans of Haitian Descent and the Compromised Right to Nationality: Report Presented to the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights on the Occasion of its 140th Session
Open Society Justice (2010). Dominicans of Haitian Descent and the compromised right to nationality: Report presented to the Inter-American Commission on human rights on the occasion of its 140th session. Introduction The right to nationality is one of the most critical of human rights. Although in theory few rights such as to hold national … Seguir leyendo Dominicans of Haitian Descent and the Compromised Right to Nationality: Report Presented to the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights on the Occasion of its 140th Session →
International Law and the Right to a Nationality in Sudan
Manby, B. (2011). International Law and the Right to a Nationality in Sudan. Africa Governance Monitoring Advocacy Project (AfriMAP) & Open Society Justice Initiative. Summary Among the many critically important choices that Sudan is facing in the context of the referendums on the status of South Sudan and Abyei are the criteria that will be established to determine … Seguir leyendo International Law and the Right to a Nationality in Sudan →
Childrens Right to Nationality
Kohn, S. (2011). Childrens Right to Nationality. Open Society Justice Initiative. The most important international legal instrument protecting childrens right to nationality is the Convention on the Rights of the Child, given that nearly every country around the globe has signed and ratified it. Article 7 of the Convention guarantees the right of all children to acquire … Seguir leyendo Childrens Right to Nationality →
Citizenship Law in Africa: A Comparative Study
Manby, B. (2010). Citizenship law in Africa: A comparative study. Africa Governance Monitoring and Advocacy Project (AfriMAP) & Open Society Justice Initiative. Summary Laws and practices governing citizenship in too many African countries effectively leave hundreds of thousands of people without a nationality. These stateless Africans are among the continents most vulnerable populations: they can neither vote nor … Seguir leyendo Citizenship Law in Africa: A Comparative Study →