
Europe Must Take on its Share of the Syrian Refugee Burden, But How?

The Migration Policy Centre (MPC) is delighted to present you the following Policy Brief: Europe Must Take on its Share of the Syrian Refugee Burden, But How?by Philippe Fargues, Director of the MPC While peace talks between Syria’s government and opposition entered into deadlock in Geneva, battles rage on the ground, and the death toll … Seguir leyendo Europe Must Take on its Share of the Syrian Refugee Burden, But How?

The right to asylum in EU law

The present document constitutes a summary of some of the main points discussed during the seminar. It is not a full record of proceedings and the views expressed do not necessarily represent those of the Refugee Law Initiative.

States, knowledge and narrative of migration: The construction of migration in European policy-making.

While debates on migration policy often revolve around rival values and interests, they also invoke knowledge claims about the causes, dynamics and impacts of migration. Such claims are best conceptualised as ‘policy narratives’, setting out beliefs about policy problems and appropriate interventions. Narratives are likely to be more successful where they meet three criteria: they … Seguir leyendo States, knowledge and narrative of migration: The construction of migration in European policy-making.

At the extremes of exclusion: Deportation, detention and dispersal.

Deportation, detention and dispersal have formed an occasional part of Britain’s migration regime throughout the twentieth century, though they tended to be used in response to particular events or «crises». By the end of the twentieth century, however, deportation, detention and, most recently, dispersal have become «normalized», «essential» instruments in the ongoing attempt to control … Seguir leyendo At the extremes of exclusion: Deportation, detention and dispersal.

Stranded migrants and the fragmented journey

Long and dangerous ‘fragmented journeys’ have become a common feature of global migration systems. These are more than simple responses to stricter migration controls and are associated with related developments in technology and communications. They are therefore a structural change in migration systems which require a re-examination of the ways in which protection is offered … Seguir leyendo Stranded migrants and the fragmented journey

Towards Global EU Action Against Trafficking in Human Beings

Please find enclosed the report of the 3rd National Networking Meeting of the project “Towards Global EU Action Against Trafficking in Human Beings” which took place on 5 March 2010 in Madrid. Additional Meeting materials such as the list of participants and meeting papers can be found at IOM’s Vienna website under the counter-trafficking activities … Seguir leyendo Towards Global EU Action Against Trafficking in Human Beings