
Open letter to the government of the Bahamas regarding the communication to the House of Assembly on the investigation of allegations of abuse and inhumane conditions at the detention centre on Carmichael Road, 8 December 2004

The detention centre in question houses, among others, asylum-seekers and children.

France: the search for justice: the effective impunity of law enforcement officers in cases of shootings, deaths in custody or torture and ill-treatment

This report includes details of a number of cases involving asylum-seekers in France.

Malaysia: human rights at risk: migrants

This document outlines the human rights implications of the Malaysian government’s decision to detain and deport large numbers of undocumented migrants, including asylum seekers.

Belgium: before the UN Committee against Torture: alleged police ill-treatment

AI expressed concern about the numerous allegations it had received in recent years that law enforcement officers in Belgium have subjected people — a high proportion of them foreign and non-Caucasian Belgian nationals — to physical and psychological ill-treatment, including racist abuse, and have used excessive force.

Germany: back in the spotlight: allegations of police ill-treatment and excessive use of force in Germany

Includes a number of concerns regarding the treatment of refugees and asylum seekers

Concerns in Europe bulletin: July – December 2001

This bulletin contains information about Amnesty International’s main concerns in Europe between July and December 2001. The five Central Asian republics of Kazakstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan are included in the Europe Region because of their membership of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) and the Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE). … Seguir leyendo Concerns in Europe bulletin: July – December 2001

Greece: in the shadow of impunity: ill-treatment and the misuse of firearms

This report documents the persistence of serious human rights violations in Greece. In particular, it presents numerous allegations of ill-treatment, in some cases amounting to torture, of detainees, generally during arrest or at police stations. It also examines a number of instances of shootings, in disputed circumstances, resulting in the death or wounding of individuals, … Seguir leyendo Greece: in the shadow of impunity: ill-treatment and the misuse of firearms

Greece: ill-treatment, shootings and impunity

This document is a summary of a detailed report: GREECE: In the Shadow of Impunity — Ill-treatment and the Misuse of Firearms (AI Index: EUR 25/022/2002) issued jointly by Amnesty International (AI) and the International Helsinki Federation for Human Rights (IHF), in September 2002. The full report documents many individual cases, analyses the concerns they … Seguir leyendo Greece: ill-treatment, shootings and impunity

Greece: appeal cases: ill-treatment and the misuse of firearms

Appeal cases related to the joint AI/IHF report Greece: in the shadow of impunity: ill-treatment and the misuse of firearms

Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia: alleged ill-treatment of 27 Albanians in Skopje by Macedonian police

On 22 June 2001 a group of some 30 Albanian citizens who had entered Macedonia in transit on their way to other countries, primarily Greece, to look for work, were expelled back to Albania at the Tushemisht border crossing at Sveti Naum. Nearly all of the group (reports state that 27 of the 30) alleged … Seguir leyendo Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia: alleged ill-treatment of 27 Albanians in Skopje by Macedonian police