
UNITED KINGDOM: deportations to Algeria at all costs

Amnesty International expresses its profound concern about the United Kingdom (UK) authorities’ attempts to deport more than 15 Algerian men to their country of origin at all costs. The organization considers that these attempts are contrary to the prohibition of sending persons to countries where they face a real risk of serious human rights violations, … Seguir leyendo UNITED KINGDOM: deportations to Algeria at all costs

Indonesia/Timor Leste: international responsibility for justice

This briefing provides a short analysis of the parallel justice processes for crimes committed in Timor-Leste during 1999, which are currently in progress in Timor-Leste and Indonesia. It also gives recommendations on next steps that must be taken to overcome the obstacles to delivering the justice to which the people of Timor-Leste are entitled and … Seguir leyendo Indonesia/Timor Leste: international responsibility for justice

Belgium: the death of Semira Adamu: justice still awaited

This document discusses the case of Semira Adamu, a 20-year-old Nigerian national, who died on 22 September 1998 within hours of an attempt to deport her forcibly from Brussels-National airport. It was alleged that gendarmes who escorted her onto a plane at Brussels-National airport subjected her to verbal abuse and pressed her face against a … Seguir leyendo Belgium: the death of Semira Adamu: justice still awaited

United States of America: imminent deportations threaten to undermine integrity of investigation into abuses at Krome

Two female detainees allegedly abused by officers at the Krome Service Processing Center are facing imminent deportation despite the ongoing and, as yet, incomplete investigation into allegations of sexual abuse and harassment at Krome

Chad: the Habré legacy

This document highlights the extent of human rights violations committed under the Habré government (1982-1990), based on information published by Amnesty International at that time, and is intended to strengthen the campaign to end the impunity for the crimes committed in Chad. The document demonstrates the serious and widespread nature of violations committed under Hissein … Seguir leyendo Chad: the Habré legacy

United States of America: memorandum to the US Attorney General: Amnesty International’s concerns relating to the post-11 September investigations

More than 1, 100 people, mainly non-US nationals, have been taken into custody in the USA during the investigations into the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon on 11 September 2001. Many of them have reportedly been held under new government powers to detain people for questioning for an extended period before … Seguir leyendo United States of America: memorandum to the US Attorney General: Amnesty International’s concerns relating to the post-11 September investigations

Georgia: summary of Amnesty Internationals concerns

This report lists AI’s concerns in Georgia in 1995-6. It includes a discussion of the concerns of displaced population wishing to return to the area in the future.

Republic of Congo: political detainees in legal limbo

This document expresses AI’s concerns regarding the detention without trial of several people in the Republic of Congo, including three asylum seekers from the DRC.