Rwanda: protecting their rights: Rwandese refugees in the Great Lakes region
This report focuses on Amnesty International’s human rights concerns regarding Rwandese refugees. It illustrates these concerns through a critical examination of past and ongoing voluntary repatriation operations, including the repatriation of demobilized Rwandese members of armed political groups in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and their families. The report further documents Amnesty International’s concerns … Seguir leyendo Rwanda: protecting their rights: Rwandese refugees in the Great Lakes region →
Protection gaps: Amnesty International’s concerns to UNHCR’S Standing Committee 8 – 11 March 2005
Within this document, AI raises concerns in regard to the current mass deportation of illegal immigrants from Malaysia, which is expected to affect the protection of large numbers of refugees from Indonesia, Myanmar and other countries. In addition, concerns are raised about the sustainability of return to Burundi and to Rwanda, including concerns about conditions … Seguir leyendo Protection gaps: Amnesty International’s concerns to UNHCR’S Standing Committee 8 – 11 March 2005 →
Sudan: recommendations to donors funding Sudan
Includes recommendations to donors regarding the return of IDPs and refugees in Sudan
Serbia and Montenegro: a wasted year: the continuing failure to fulfil key human rights commitments made to the Council of Europe
This report includes concerns and recommendations regarding refugees in the region and their safe reture, particularly Roma people.
Burundi: refugee rights at risk: human rights abuses in returns to and from Burundi
This report is the product of research missions to refugee camps in Kigoma and Kagera regions and Ulyankulu settlement of first wave refugees in Tanzania’s Tabora region in late 2004, as well as to officials in these regions and in Dar es Salaam. Amnesty International delegates also visited Bujumbura, Rural Bujumbura, Makamba, Bururi, Ngozi, Kirundo, … Seguir leyendo Burundi: refugee rights at risk: human rights abuses in returns to and from Burundi →
Europe and Central Asia: summary of Amnesty International’s concerns in the region: July – December 2004
Includes a number of concerns regarding refugees, asylum seekers and returnees.
Tanzania: human rights concerns relating to demonstrations in Zanzibar on 27 January 2001
This report sets out AI’s concerns and recommendations about human rights violations relating to the demonstrations, including killings, mass arrests and torture in Zanzibar. Amnesty International has called for an independent and impartial inquiry into these issues. The report also covers Zanzibari asylum seekers in Kenya and their safe return.
Federal Republic of Yugoslavia: continuing concerns
Includes a number of concerns regarding refugees and internally displaced persons
Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia: humanitarian evacuation and the international response to refugees from Kosovo
Since the early stages of the refugee outflow, Amnesty International has had a research presence in Macedonia and in Albania, interviewing refugees as well as representatives of international and local agencies. In May, the organization published its report Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia: The Protection of Kosovo Albanian Refugees (AI Index: EUR 65/03/99), and expressed … Seguir leyendo Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia: humanitarian evacuation and the international response to refugees from Kosovo →
Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (Kosovo): Amnesty International’s recommendations on the return of refugees to Kosovo
This report discusses Kosovar refugees’ protection need both within and without Kosovo, in the context of avoiding forcible return.