
Syria: appeal case: deported to where?! Incommunicado detention and torture of forcibly returned Syrians

This appeal case raises Amnesty International’s continuing concerns about a number of Syrian nationals being detained without charge or trial after being deported to Syria. Of the five men described here, detained for between four and 22 months, three have been denied access to visits from their families or a lawyer, and at least three … Seguir leyendo Syria: appeal case: deported to where?! Incommunicado detention and torture of forcibly returned Syrians

Eritrea: ‘you have no right to ask’: government resists scrutiny on human rights

This report updates and expands on Amnesty International’s previously published information about arbitrary detention in Eritrea. It describes new evidence of torture and religious persecution, and sets out the political context in which human rights violations continue to be committed with impunity. It concludes with recommendations to the Government of Eritrea and the international community … Seguir leyendo Eritrea: ‘you have no right to ask’: government resists scrutiny on human rights

Croatia: briefing to the United Nations Committee against Torture

Includes concerns regarding the treatment of refugees, asylum seekers and returnees.

Russian Federation: ‘dokumenty!’: discrimination on grounds of race in the Russian Federation.

Amnesty International has urged the authorities to ensure that all people internally displaced by the Chechen conflict are given adequate protection and humanitarian assistance until they can return voluntarily, in safety and with dignity, to their place of origin or choice. The current situation in Chechnya does not provide the necessary conditions for the safe … Seguir leyendo Russian Federation: ‘dokumenty!’: discrimination on grounds of race in the Russian Federation.

Republic of Slovenia: before the UN Committee against Torture

On 5 and 6 May 2003 the Committee against Torture examined Slovenia’s second report on measures taken to give effect to the rights enshrined in the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment. This briefing summarizes Amnesty International’s concerns with regards to Articles 1, 2, 3, 4, 12, 13, 14 … Seguir leyendo Republic of Slovenia: before the UN Committee against Torture

Concerns in Europe and Central Asia: July to December 2002

Includes numerous concerns regarding refugees, returnees and asylum seekers

Yemen: the rule of law sidelined in the name of security

Includes concerns regarding lack of access to asylum processes and secret deportations.

Burundi: a critical time: human rights briefing on Burundi

This document summarises Amnesty International’s findings during its two visits to Burundi in 2003 as well as sustained research both before and since. It particularly focuses on the administration of justice, unlawful killings, violence against women, the right to health and some of the consequences of the proliferation of small arms in the country. It … Seguir leyendo Burundi: a critical time: human rights briefing on Burundi

Concerns in Europe January June 2002

This bulletin contains information about Amnesty International’s main concerns in Europe between January and June 2002. Not every country in Europe is reported on: only those where there were significant developments in the period covered by the bulletin.

Egypt: no protection: systematic torture continues.

Amnesty International continues to receive well-documented allegations of torture and ill-treatment from vulnerable people in Egypt.