
Gender and rural out-migration in the southern Ecuadorian Andes

This paper investigates the roles of gender and natural capital (defined as land and associated environmental services) in out-migration from a rural study area in the southern Ecuadorian Andes. Drawing on original household survey data, I construct and compare multivariate event history models of individual-level, household-level, and community-level influences on the migration of men and … Seguir leyendo Gender and rural out-migration in the southern Ecuadorian Andes

Placing the environment in migration: Environment, economy, and power in Ghana’s Central Region

This paper examines the role of environmental change as a driver of migration, a central concern of areas of inquiry ranging from the Human Dimensions of Global Change research to population geography and development studies. Although much of the literature on the role of the environment in migration reflects a general awareness that environmental factors … Seguir leyendo Placing the environment in migration: Environment, economy, and power in Ghana’s Central Region