Asylumclaims andmemory of trauma:sharing our knowledge
Decisions about asylum are extremely difficul tbecause of the absence of a body of objective evidence. Psychiatrists and psychologists have a breadth of knowledge relating to the memory of trauma which could help to inform the asylum process, but we need to investigate how to apply this knowledge and how to make it accessible to … Seguir leyendo Asylumclaims andmemory of trauma:sharing our knowledge →
The Psychology of Seeking Protection
Claims for asylum entail many complex psychological interactions. The claimant presents his or her claim, interviews are conducted, appeals heard and decisions made. In other areas of law, civil or criminal law, for example, there is a wealth of studies exploring the interface with psychology and examining the processes at work in legal proceedings. However, … Seguir leyendo The Psychology of Seeking Protection →
Impact of sexual violence on disclosure duringHome Office interviews
Background Late disclosure or non disclosure during Home Office interviews is commonly cited as a reason to doubt an asylum seekers credibility, but disclosure maybe affected by other factors. Aims To determine whether and how sexual violence affects asylum seekers disclosure of personal information during Home Office interviews. Method Twenty-seven refugees and asylum seekers were … Seguir leyendo Impact of sexual violence on disclosure duringHome Office interviews →