
Visit to Juba, Southern Sudan, 18-21 March, 1975 : report to Courtney A. Nelson in Beirut

Khmers in Thailand: the old and the new. The borders revisited. July 1991.

Economic reform and political change in Myanmar (Burma). Paper presented for conference on Burma (Myanmar) : challenges and opportunities for the 1990s, St Antony’s College, Oxford University, December 13-15 1991

Statement before the Subcommittee on International Law, Immigration and Refugees, House Committee on the Judiciary, 1 May 1991

ICVA Statements, adopted in Senegal meeting March 1991, with covering letter to all member agencies : 1. Gulf Crisis ; 2. African Crisis ; 3. ICVA approach to UN Conference on Environment & Development (UNCED) June 1992

The 1997 municipal elections in Bosnia and Herzegovina : a pamphlet for distribution to all out of country voters excluding those residing in FRY and Croatia. A two-step process : first you must register… then you can vote!

Commentary: A United States’ perspective on ‘Race’ and housing in Britain. Paper prepared for workshop convened by the Rowntree Foundation on Race and Housing in Britain 4-5 April 1991, York University