Free e-book: Asylum, Migration and Humanitarian Action

Asylum, Migration and Humanitarian Action‘ is a collection of 14 papers written by Jeff Crisp, Head of UNHCR’s Policy Development and Evaluation Service.

It can be accessed at:


1. Policy challenges of the new diasporas: migrant networks and their impact on asylum flows and regimes

2. «Who has counted the refugees?» UNHCR and the politics of numbers

3. A state of insecurity: the political economy of violence in refugee-populated areas of Kenya

4. Africa’s refugees: patterns, problems and policy challenges

5. Mind the gap! UNHCR, humanitarian assistance and the development process

6. Refugee protection and migration management: the challenge for UNHCR (with Damtew Dessalegne)

7. No solutions in sight: the problem of protracted refugee situations in Africa

8. A new asylum paradigm? Globalization, migration and the uncertain future of the international refugee regime

9. The local integration and local settlement of refugees: a conceptual and historical analysis

10. Forced displacement in Africa: dimensions, difficulties and policy directions

11. Beyond the nexus: UNHCR’s evolving perspective on refugee protection and international migration

12. Globalization, poverty and mobility: an introduction to the developmental dimensions of international migration

13. A surrogate state? The role of UNHCR in protracted refugee situations (with Amy Slaughter)

14. In harms way: the irregular movement of migrants to Southern Africa from the Horn and Great Lakes regions (with Katy Long)

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