(English) Ranu Basu

(English) Ranu Basu


Job Title: 
Associate Professor

1997- 2002     Ph.D (Human Geography), Department of Geography and Program in Planning, University of Toronto.

1995-96    M.A. (Human Geography), Department of Geography and Program in Planning, University of Toronto.

1993-95    Special Student, Division of Social Sciences, University of Toronto at Scarborough.

1983-86    B.A. (Geography), Elphinstone College, University of Bombay, India.

Department of Geography, York University




Current Research Projects: 

2005-08 SSHRC Standard Research Grant: (Principal Investigator) Mapping the Politics of Education Reform in Ontario: Examining Public Elementary Schools in Transition (1993-2005) ($89,799)

2006-09 (Co-Investigator)  Infrastructure Canada Joint Initiative – SSHRC: Issues of Immigrant Service Delivery in York Region (with Lucia Lo (PI), Valerie Preston, Paul Anisef and Shuguang Wang) ($266,458, plus $219,944 in-kind contributions)

2006-09 (Co-Investigator)  SSHRC: Social Sustainability, Diversity and Public Space in Three Canadian Cities (with Barbara Rahder (PI), Liette Gilbert, Susan McGrath and Patricia Wood.) ($103,861)

2008 -2015 (Collaborator) SSHRC Cluster proposal A Refugee Research Network: Globalizing Knowledge – Collaborator.  (PI Susan McGrath, York University) $2.1 million over 7 years to develop a national and international network of refugee and forced migration researchers and research centres.

Completed Research Projects: 

2005-06 CERIS (Principal Investigator) Maintaining ‘Spaces of Integration’ in an Era of Devolution: Exploring the Geographies of Language and Education Policy in Toronto’s Elementary Schools ($7,700) - Project complete

2004 (May-December, Principal Investigator) Mapping the Politics of Education Reform of Public Elementary Schools in the Toronto Region: Phase I, Faculty of Arts Research Grant, York University. Project complete ($3,000)

2003 (May- December, (Principal Investigator) Mapping the Politics of Education Reform of Public Elementary Schools in the Toronto Region: Phase II, Social Science and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) small grants initiative, York University. Project complete, book in progress. ($3,000)

2003 The Spatiality of Personal Networks  (Collaborative Project) Uses social network data to examine the extent to which physical distance between network members affects their sociability, emotional support, and material aid.  Co-Principal Investigator with Professors Barry Wellman (Centre for Urban and Community Studies, University of Toronto) and Diana Mok (McGill University). Project Complete, paper published.

geography of migration and settlement
public education
public space
urban social and political geography and planning
Geographical Locations: 
York Region
Phone (work): 
+1 (416) 736-2100 ext. 22436
Areas of Research Expertise: 
geographic information systems
community organization