The Prevention of Infiltration (Amendment no. 4) Bill: A malevolent response to the Israeli Supreme Court judgment
Analysis of the proposed Israeli legislation regarding detention of asylum seekers, published on the European Society of International Law Interest Group on Migration and Refugee Law Blog.
At the exteremes of exclusion: Deportation , detention and dispersal.
Deportation, detention and dispersal have formed an occasional part of Britain’s migration regime throughout the twentieth century, though they tended to be used in response to particular events or crises. By the end of the twentieth century, however, deportation, detention and, most recently, dispersal have become normalized, essential instruments in the ongoing attempt to control … Continue reading At the exteremes of exclusion: Deportation , detention and dispersal. →
Detainee Assessment Form Checklist
A very useful checklist from the International Detention Coalition, a network of more than 200 non-governmental organizations, faith-based groups, academics and individuals that provide legal, social, medical and other services, carry out research and reporting, and undertake advocacy and policy work on behalf of refugees, migrants, and asylum seekers. These groups and individuals, who are from … Continue reading Detainee Assessment Form Checklist →
Theorizing Refugees, Borders, Il/legality: Nation-State-Exceptions
Refugees, asylum seekers, illegal migrants, exiles, nomads, aliens
others.These are all in-between figures, exceptions to a political order defined by citizenship, borders, sovereignty and nation states. In their very existence, these figures represent a challenge to this political order, as social and political theorists have long recognized.For example, Hannah Arendt deemed stateless people the most symptomatic … Continue reading Theorizing Refugees, Borders, Il/legality: Nation-State-Exceptions →