
Human rights begin at home: Amnesty International’s assessment of EU human rights policy: recommendations to the Irish EU Presidency

Includes recommendations regarding asylum seekers and refugees in Europe.

United States of America: human rights concerns in border region with Mexico (including erratam)

This report examines the recent history of the US-Mexico border region; the INS’ human rights record during the 1990s; the recommendations for reform made by the CAP and INS’ Action Plan in response; recent allegations of human rights violations reported to Amnesty International and an examination of the fatal shooting of an 18-year-old US citizen … Continue reading United States of America: human rights concerns in border region with Mexico (including erratam)

The Russian Federation: Chechen Republic: open letter to the United Nations from the Secretary General of Amnesty International

Includes Amnesty International’s concerns for refugees and internally displaced populations fleeing Chechnia.