EU Citizenship, Roma Mobility and Anti-Gypsyism: Time for Reframing the Debate?
[Sigona, N. (2014) ‘EU Citizenship, Roma Mobility and Anti-Gypsyism: Time for Reframing the Debate?’, Migration: The COMPAS Anthology, B. Anderson and Keith, M. (eds), Oxford: COMPAS]
Statelessness and Roma Communities in the Czech Republic: Competing Theories of State Compliance
Linde, R (2006). Statelessness and Roma Communities in the Czech Republic: Competing Theories of State Compliance. International Journal on Minority and Group Rights. 341. 341-366. Introduction The system of national sovereignty, underpinning international relations in the modern world, is one wherein individuals exercise their rights and obligations primarily through citizenship in a state. Holding citizenship in … Continue reading Statelessness and Roma Communities in the Czech Republic: Competing Theories of State Compliance →
Criminalization and Victimization of Migrants in Europe
please find below the table of contents of Criminalization and Victimization of Migrants in Europe and the link to the full book (pdf): **CONTENTSIntroduction, Salvatore PALIDDA General aspects– Media and the war on immigration, Marcello MANERI– The Detention Machine, Federico RAHOLA– The U.S. Penal Experiment, Alessandro De GIORGI– The methamorphosis of asylum in Europe, … Continue reading Criminalization and Victimization of Migrants in Europe →