Sexuality and integration: a case of gay Iranian refugees’ collective memories and integration practices in Canada
ABSTRACT During the past two decades, Canada has accepted hundreds of LGBT asylum seekers, including gay Iranian men. Sociologists of sexualities and migration have yet to study this group as immigrants whose sexualities play a central role in their social interactions, immigration, and integration practices. Taking integration as a category of practice and relying on … Continue reading Sexuality and integration: a case of gay Iranian refugees’ collective memories and integration practices in Canada →
When Is Immigration Detention Lawful? The Monitoring Practices of UN Human Rights Mechanisms
Global Detention Project Working Paper No. 21 By Mariette Gange and Izabella Majcher February 2017 This Global Detention Project Working Paper details how the banalisation of immigration detention is contested by international human rights mechanisms. Since the creation of the United Nations, the global human rights regime has provided a framework for the protection … Continue reading When Is Immigration Detention Lawful? The Monitoring Practices of UN Human Rights Mechanisms →
Delivering on human rights: Amnesty International’s ten-point program for the UK Presidency of the European Union
Includes a number of concerns regarding asylum and security.
2005 UN Commission on Human Rights: The UN’s chief guardian of human rights?
Includes both general recommendations and individual case studies regarding civilians, among whom are displaced persons, refugees and asylum seekers.
2005 UN Commission on Human Rights: the UN’s chief guardian of human rights? executive summary
The full document is also available in this digital library
Indonesia: the role of human rights in the wake of the earthquake and tsunami: a briefing for members of the consultative group on Indonesia 19 – 20 January 2005
This document outlines human rights issues following the natural disasters in Indonesia, and includes concerns regarding those displaced.
No turning back: full implementation of women’s human rights now! 10 year review and appraisal of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action
Includes concerns regarding the human rights of refugee and displaced women
Turkmenistan: the clampdown on dissent and religious freedom continues
Includes concerns regarding failed asylum seekers forcibly returned to Turkmenistan.
Lebanon: a human rights agenda for the parliamentary elections
Includes a number of points regarding Palestinian refugees in Lebanon
Burundi: refugee rights at risk: human rights abuses in returns to and from Burundi
This report is the product of research missions to refugee camps in Kigoma and Kagera regions and Ulyankulu settlement of first wave refugees in Tanzania’s Tabora region in late 2004, as well as to officials in these regions and in Dar es Salaam. Amnesty International delegates also visited Bujumbura, Rural Bujumbura, Makamba, Bururi, Ngozi, Kirundo, … Continue reading Burundi: refugee rights at risk: human rights abuses in returns to and from Burundi →