Hoping for peace, afraid of war: The dilemmas of repatriation and belonging on the borders of Uganda and South Sudan.
This paper is about the reality of repatriation for Sudanese refugees in a context of political upheaval, a fluctuating security situation and a demanding economic environment.After decades in exile, almost a quarter of a million officially registered refugees in Uganda and similar numbers of unregistered refugees are considering the prospect of returning to Sudan. And many have already done … Continue reading Hoping for peace, afraid of war: The dilemmas of repatriation and belonging on the borders of Uganda and South Sudan. →
UNHCR Action to Address Statelessness: A Strategy Note
UNHCR (March 2010). Action to Address Statelessness: A strategy note. http://www.unhcr.org/refworld/docid/4b9e0c3d2.html I. Introduction 1. Since its creation, the United Nations has endeavoured to address and resolve a wide range of issues of an international character, including statelessness. Today, an estimated 12 million(1) people are stateless worldwide: they are not considered as nationals by any State under the … Continue reading UNHCR Action to Address Statelessness: A Strategy Note →
Statelessness: An analytical framework for prevention, reduction and protection
UNHCR (2008). Statelessness: An analytical framework for prevention, reduction and protection http://unhcr.org.ua/files/mf30_e.pdf Foreword Fundamental human rights are guaranteed by law to all men, women and children, regardless of their nationality. Nevertheless, the stark reality is that many millions of people around the world are denied the exercise of their most basic human rights because they are not … Continue reading Statelessness: An analytical framework for prevention, reduction and protection →
Nationality and Statelessness: A Handbook for Parliamentarians
Nationality and Statelessness: A Handbook for Parliamentarians, UNHCR/Inter-Parliamentary Union, October 2005 Introduction Those of us who are citizens of a country usually take for granted the rights and obligations that citizenship confers on us. Most of us can enroll our children in schools, seek medical attention when we are sick, apply for employment when we need … Continue reading Nationality and Statelessness: A Handbook for Parliamentarians →
UNHCR and De Facto Statelessness
Massey, Hugh: UNHCR and De Facto Statelessness, LPPR/2010/01, April 2010, UNHCR INTRODUCTION UNHCR has had a mandate for stateless persons ever since the Office was established in1950. Originally, that mandate only extended to stateless persons who are refugees. As discussed in Part I below, refugees who do not have a nationality at all are de … Continue reading UNHCR and De Facto Statelessness →
Note on UNHCR and Stateless Persons
Note on UNHCR and Stateless Persons. Report to the Sub Committee of the Whole on International Protection. 2 June 1995. I. INTRODUCTION 1. In 1994, the Executive Committee of the High Commissioner’s Programme noted the persistent problems of stateless persons, and called upon UNHCR to “strengthen its efforts in this domain, including promoting accession … Continue reading Note on UNHCR and Stateless Persons →
“What would life be like if you had no nationality?”
“What would life be like if you had no nationality?”. UNHCR, DIP 1998. Historically, there has been a recognized link between refugees and stateless persons with both groups receiving protection and assistance from international refugee organizations. In the wake of World War Two when the needs of refugees were paramount the 1951 Refugee Convention was … Continue reading “What would life be like if you had no nationality?” →
Information and Accession Package: The 1954 Convention relating to the Status of Stateless Persons and the 1961 Convention on the Reduction of Statelessness
“”Information and Accession Package. The 1954 Convention relating to the Status of Stateless Persons and the 1961 Convention on the Reduction of Statelessness””. UNHCR, Department of International Protection (DIP), 1996. Revised 1999. Introduction: A. The Issue of Statelessness 1. Everyone has the right to a nationality. No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his nationality, … Continue reading Information and Accession Package: The 1954 Convention relating to the Status of Stateless Persons and the 1961 Convention on the Reduction of Statelessness →
Contribution to the European Union Seminar on the Content and Scope of International Protection: “The International Legal Framework Concerning Statelessness and Access for Stateless Persons”
Contribution to the European Union Seminar on the Content and Scope of International Protection: “The International Legal Framework Concerning Statelessness and Access for Stateless Persons”. Organized by the General Directorate on Immigration and Foreigners of the Spanish Ministry of Internal Affairs. Madrid, 8 9 January 2002. Contribution by Carol A. Batchelor, Senior Legal Officer … Continue reading Contribution to the European Union Seminar on the Content and Scope of International Protection: “The International Legal Framework Concerning Statelessness and Access for Stateless Persons” →
Statelessness Survey 2003
Statelessness Survey 2003. Steps taken by States to reduce statelessness and to meet the protection needs of stateless persons.