(English) James Simeon
B.A. Political Science & Psychology, Wilfrid Laurier University, 1972
M.A. Political Science, York University, 1977
Ph.D. Political Science, York University, 1985
2009 Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada, International Opportunities Fund (IOF), ($75,000) “War Crimes and Refugee Status: The Application and Interpretation of International Humanitarian and International Criminal Law to the Adjudication of Refugee Status in Canada and the United States,” Co-Applicant, Professor Kate Jastram, School of Law, University of California at Berkeley.
2008 Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada, Strategic Knowledge Cluster Grant, Centre for Refugee Studies, Canadian Refugee Network: Globalizing Knowledge. I am a collaborator on this research project. The CRS was awarded $2.1 million over seven years.
2008 Law Foundation of Ontario ($10,000) – Research Workshop on Critical Issues in International Refugee Law, May 1st and 2nd, 2008.
2008 Justice Canada ($10,000) – Research Workshop on Critical Issues in International Refugee Law.
2008 SSHRC Grant ($2,000) - Research Workshop on Critical Issues in International Refugee Law
2008 Consulate General of the Kingdom of The Netherlands, Toronto ($1,500) – Research Workshop on Critical Issues in International Refugee Law
2008 Japan Foundation, Toronto ($1,000) – Research Workshop on Critical Issues in International Refugee Law
2008 CIDA Grant – Research Workshop on Critical Issues in International Refugee Law. Awarded $21,838 to bring judges from the Global South to the Research Workshop at York University, May 1st and 2nd, 2008.