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All posts by Sabbath
Sheaves of hope: Rice farming masks impacts of floods in Turalei

(English) School feeding scales up enrolment in Gogrial
“I am really happy about the school feeding programme and this is really a very much need for the students who are coming for learning. Because when the students come for learning, and then they have food, they get all the nutrition that are needed, and the physical strength they are in need.” Principal of Christ the King Primary School.

Malnutrition wanes in Warrap as WFP introduces vegetable farming
“We started introducing these new crops three years ago and in Twic we are supporting 22,000 households with different variety of crops including rice, we are doing cassava, we are doing in sweet potatoes, so these all with an intention to be able to get food for their houses.” WFP Deputy Head of Programme in Kuajok, Warrap State.