Women, violence and health
The paper reviews the forms that gender-based violence takes, the contexts in which it occurs and the health consequences of violence against women. The paper ends with some recommendations for action by governments and professional bodies. It includes a table detailing sexual violence and the refugee cycle.
Human rights for human dignity: a primer on economic, social and cultural rights
Includes a section on the rights of migrants, both forced and voluntary.
Amnesty International’s concerns at the 56th session of the Executive Committee of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
In this document Amnesty International sets out four thematic areas that are of pressing concern to the organization, illustrated by specific situations in countries that the organisation has either visited or engaged in research and advocacy in the period since the last meeting of EXCOM. These thematic areas are: protection from refoulement, access to procedures, … Continue reading Amnesty International’s concerns at the 56th session of the Executive Committee of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees →
2005 UN Commission on Human Rights: The UN’s chief guardian of human rights?
Includes both general recommendations and individual case studies regarding civilians, among whom are displaced persons, refugees and asylum seekers.
2005 UN Commission on Human Rights: the UN’s chief guardian of human rights? executive summary
The full document is also available in this digital library
Protection gaps: Amnesty International’s concerns to UNHCR’S Standing Committee 8 – 11 March 2005
Within this document, AI raises concerns in regard to the current mass deportation of illegal immigrants from Malaysia, which is expected to affect the protection of large numbers of refugees from Indonesia, Myanmar and other countries. In addition, concerns are raised about the sustainability of return to Burundi and to Rwanda, including concerns about conditions … Continue reading Protection gaps: Amnesty International’s concerns to UNHCR’S Standing Committee 8 – 11 March 2005 →
No turning back: full implementation of women’s human rights now! 10 year review and appraisal of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action
Includes concerns regarding the human rights of refugee and displaced women
2004 UN Commission on the Status of Women: violence against women: universal but not inevitable!
Includes a section on refugee and asylum-seeking women
Human rights and sexual orientation and gender identity
Includes information on the role of homosexuality in refugee status determination, and an example of this.
International Labour Organization: Amnesty International’s concerns relevant to the 92nd International Labour Conference, 1-17 June 2004
This document discusses concerns regarding migrant workers, including refugees and asylum-seekers, and the right to freedom of association in the context of labour.