Genocide and its aftermath: The case of Rwanda.
This article describes the experiences of returnees from exile into Kigali, Rwanda and the efforts of the Government of Rwanda (GoR) and the UNHCR to meet the needs of returnees, and to deal with the aftermath of the genocide. Particular attention is paid to the Gacaca courts and the role of social work therein. We … Continue reading Genocide and its aftermath: The case of Rwanda. →
Forced Migration Review 35: Disability and displacement
The English edition of FMR 35, with a major feature on Disability and displacement, is now online at This latest issue includes 27 articles focusing on disability and displacement, including an introduction by Shuaib Chalklen, Special Rapporteur for Disability. These articles illustrate why disabled people who are displaced need particular consideration, and highlight some … Continue reading Forced Migration Review 35: Disability and displacement →
Money matters: An evaluation of the use of cash grants in UNHCRs voluntary repatriation and reintegration programme in Burundi
GENEVA, July 20 (UNHCR) – The UN refugee agency is on a constant search for the most effective way of supporting the reintegration of refugees who have returned home after years in exile. A report released last Friday, available at, concludes that cash grants can play a significant role in that process. Published by … Continue reading Money matters: An evaluation of the use of cash grants in UNHCRs voluntary repatriation and reintegration programme in Burundi →