
Welcome to the website for the Global Refugee Policy Network!

‘Global Refugee Policy’ is a formal statement of, and a proposed course of action in response to, a problem relating to protection, solutions or assistance for refugees or other populations of concern to the global refugee regime. It has been a growing area of activity within the global refugee regime in recent years, especially through the work of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR).

Recent policy initiatives have proposed solutions to challenges ranging from protracted refugee situations, statelessness, protection and solutions in urban areas, displacement resulting from natural disasters, to issues of age, gender and diversity. Are these policies able to resolve the challenges they describe? How are these policies made? What impact do they have? How can we make them work better?

Our hope is that this site will help foster greater discussion and collaboration on research relating to the making, implementation and evaluation of ‘global refugee policy’.

We hope that you find this site useful, and we welcome you to get involved!