When Is Immigration Detention Lawful? The Monitoring Practices of UN Human Rights Mechanisms
Global Detention Project Working Paper No. 21 By Mariette Gange and Izabella Majcher February 2017 This Global Detention Project Working Paper details how the banalisation of immigration detention is contested by international human rights mechanisms. Since the creation of the United Nations, the global human rights regime has provided a framework for the protection … Continue reading When Is Immigration Detention Lawful? The Monitoring Practices of UN Human Rights Mechanisms →
Japan: open letter to the Minister of Justice of Japan
In this document Amnesty International expresses its deep concern regarding the prolonged detention of minors seeking asylum in Japan.
UK: seeking asylum is not a crime: detention of people who have sought asylum
This document looks at the different situations in which asylum seekers in the UK are detained, and includes statistical data and case studies.
UK: detention of people who have sought asylum: executive summary
The document summarized, which is also available in this digital library, looks at different situations in which asylum seekers in the UK are detained, and includes statistical data and case studies.
The human cost of Fortress Europe: detention and expulsion of asylum-seekers and migrants in the EU: Amnesty International open letter to the incoming UK Presidency on the occasion of World Refugee Day
This letter was written as three reports on the detention of asylum seekers in the EU were published (one for the UK, one for Italy and one for Spain)
EU Member States threatening the integrity of the international refugee protection system: Amnesty International’s open letter to the UK Presidency on the occasion of the Justice and Home Affairs (JHA) Council, 12 October 2005
This letter was written in the light of large numbers of asylum seekers being repelled from borders in Morocco and Spain, leading to the death of a number of would-be migrants.
Spain: the southern border: the state turns its back on the human rights of refugees and migrants
This report raises particular concerns regarding the situation in Ceuta and Melilla, in Spanish North Africa.
Italy: temporary stay, permanent rights: the treatment of foreign nationals detained in ‘temporary stay and assistance centres’ (CPTAs)
This document is principaly concerned with the conditions of detention of illegal immigrants and failed asylum seekers prior to deportation.
Australia: the impact of indefinite detention: the case to change Australia’s mandatory detention regime
In this report Amnesty International focuses on Australia’s mandatory detention policy, and in particular on how it has allowed for prolonged and indefinite detention. The policy is considered to be inconsistent with Australia’s international human rights obligations. In particular it violates the right to liberty and security of persons due to its lack of a … Continue reading Australia: the impact of indefinite detention: the case to change Australia’s mandatory detention regime →
Italy: Lampedusa, the island of Europe’s forgotten promises
This document outlines the situation of asylum seekers and migrants arriving in Lampedusa, and the irregularity of their status determination procedures.