INEE Toolkit

INEE is pleased to announce the launch of the new INEE Toolkit at

The INEE Toolkit contains a wide variety of practical, field-friendly tools and resources to guide educationalists, humanitarian workers and government officials working in the field of education in emergencies
through to recovery. With the input of many INEE members, the original Toolkit was improved and expanded to provide the best available tools and resources in a user-friendly format. The Toolkit includes INEE’s primary publications in multiple languages and numerous implementation tools to support their use.

Two new features of the Toolkit include a search engine to help you locate resources faster as well as non-English language resources on Education in Emergencies.

Explore the new INEE Toolkit!

The tools and resources in the new INEE Toolkit are organised in the following sections:

* INEE Minimum Standards

* Reference Guide on External Education Financing

* Guidance Notes on Teaching and Learning

* Guidance Notes on Safer School Construction

* Guidance Notes on Teacher Compensation

* Pocket Guide to Inclusive Education

* Pocket Guide to Gender

* INEE Advocacy Materials

Each section includes implementation resources to assist in the application of the main INEE tool. In addition, the sections on the INEE Minimum Standards and the INEE Guidance Notes on Teaching and Learning also contain accompanying vetted resources on the following thematic issues: Conflict Mitigation, Disaster Risk Reduction, Early Childhood Development, Gender, HIV and AIDS, Human Rights, Inclusive Education, Inter-Sectoral Linkages, Protection, Psychosocial Support, and Youth.

Access the INEE Toolkit Online or as a CD-Rom

The INEE Toolkit is available online at You can also order copies on CD-Rom by completing the short Request Resources Form available on INEE’s website.

INEE welcomes your feedback on the new INEE Toolkit, which will be updated periodically based on input from users.

INEE would like to acknowledge the many INEE members and the following groups for their contributions to this Toolkit:

* INEE Working Group on Minimum Standards

* INEE Working Group on Education and Fragility

* INEE Expert Group on Teaching and Learning

* INEE Steering Group

* INEE Secretariat

* INEE Task Teams and Language Communities

* IASC Education Cluster

INEE Mission and Vision

Our purpose as the Inter-Agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE) is to serve as an open global network of members working together within a humanitarian and development framework to ensure all people the right to quality and safe education in emergencies and post-crisis recovery.

INEE envisions a world where:

* all people affected by crisis and instability have access to quality, relevant and safe education opportunities;
* education services are integrated into all emergency interventions as an essential life-saving and life-sustaining component of humanitarian response;
* governments and donors provide sustainable funding and develop holistic policies to ensure education preparedness, crisis prevention, mitigation, response and recovery;
* all education programmes responding to emergencies, chronic crises and reconstruction are consistent with the INEE Minimum Standards and accountable for quality and results.

INEE is a global network which is freely open to all those working to ensure the right to education for those affected by crisis. By becoming a member of INEE, you will be joining a community of practitioners, researchers, policy makers, advocates, and representatives of affected communities. INEE provides a forum for us to share experiences, lessons learnt and good practice, and opportunities to work collaboratively to develop resources and inform policy through consensus-driven advocacy. You will receive regular emails for the INEE Secretariat alerting you to new resources, news, events, and job opportunities. Anyone can join INEE: visit

Please send all replies to:

INEE Coordinator for Minimum Standards
c/o UNICEF – Education Section, 7th floor
3 United Nations Plaza
New York, NY 10017, USA

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