
Zaire: Amnesty International’s memorandum to the UN Security Council: appeal for a commission of inquiry to investigate reports of atrocities in eastern Zaire

Reports emerging from eastern Zaire raise serious concerns of possible massive human rights violations, notably widespread and systematic killings of refugees from Rwanda and Burundi and of Zaïrians.

Greal lakes region: still in need of protection: repatriation, refoulement and the safety of refugees and the internally displaced

Throughout October and November 1996, the attention of much of the world was riveted on eastern Zaire, as an enormous humanitarian tragedy unfolded. Long simmering violence in the area exploded into open warfare and massive human rights violations. Over one million refugees from Rwanda and Burundi, and several hundred thousand internally displaced Zairians, were caught … Continue reading Greal lakes region: still in need of protection: repatriation, refoulement and the safety of refugees and the internally displaced

Zaire: rape, killings and other human rights violations by the security forces

The international community appears unwilling or unable to take concerted action to help people suffering gross human rights abuses in Zaire. After the mass repatriation of refugees to Rwanda in late 1996, the diplomats and politicians have allowed plans for a humanitarian intervention force to founder. The journalists and cameramen have moved on to the … Continue reading Zaire: rape, killings and other human rights violations by the security forces

Zaire: lawlessness and insecurity in North and South-Kivu

This report describes human rights abuses in North and South-Kivu and covers the period up to the attacks on, and mass movement of, refugees in the area in October 1996.

Crisis in Eastern Zaire: Amnesty International’s appeal for the protection of human rights in the crisis in Eastern Zaire

This document outlines the human rights situation in Zaire both before and after September 1996. It includes urgent recomendations to the international community.

Zaire: violent persecution by state and armed groups

Amnesty International is issuing this report to highlight the vital importance of placing human rights protection squarely at the heart of all attempts to resolve the crisis in eastern Zaire. It is calling on all parties to the conflicts and on the international community to act now to stop the bloodshed. The Zairian authorities and … Continue reading Zaire: violent persecution by state and armed groups

Zaire: hidden from scrutiny: human rights abuses in eastern Zaire

In South-Kivu refugees been forced to flee for their lives once again as a result of systematic attacks on refugee camps, andt Zairian men, women and children have suffered horrific abuses. As a result, some 40, 000 people, both Zairians and refugees from Rwanda and Burundi, fled from South-Kivu to Tanzania towards the end of … Continue reading Zaire: hidden from scrutiny: human rights abuses in eastern Zaire