
(English) Environmental Displacement and Environmental Migration: Blurred Boundaries Require Integrated Policies

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Dear RRN Members, I hope this message finds you well. We have been working on an annotated bibliography on “Nature-Society Relations in and of International Borders” witha longer-term goal of producing a formal, peer-reviewed literature review on the subject. This project is part of a larger RRN Cluster on Environmental Displacement and has been generously … متابعة قراءة ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY ON NATURE-SOCIETY RELATIONS IN & OF INTERNATIONAL BORDERS

Tuvalu and climate change: Constructions of environmental displacement in the Sydney Morning Herald

Tuvalu, a place whose image in the ‘West’ is as a small island state, insignificant and remote on the world stage, is becoming remarkably prominent in connection with the contemporary issue of climate change-related sea-level rise. My aim in this paper is to advance understanding of the linkages between climate change and island places, by … متابعة قراءة Tuvalu and climate change: Constructions of environmental displacement in the Sydney Morning Herald

Alaskan communities’ rights and resilience

 In Alaska, climate change is evident. Temperatures across the state have increased by between 2 and 3.5 degrees Celsius since 1974, arctic sea ice is decreasing in extent and thickness, wildfires are increasing in size and extent, and permafrost is thawing. These ecological phenomena are creating a humanitarian crisis for the indigenous communities that have … متابعة قراءة Alaskan communities’ rights and resilience

Report of ‘National Workshop on Resource Politics, Climate Change, Environmental Degradation and Displacement in India’

CRG over the past few years have been organizing short courses in collaboration with willing centers and departments of universities and research institutions across India as a follow up activity. This year CRG in collaboration with Centre for Study of Social Exclusion and Inclusive Policy (CSSEIP), Andhra University, Visakhapatnam, organized a three day national workshop … متابعة قراءة Report of ‘National Workshop on Resource Politics, Climate Change, Environmental Degradation and Displacement in India’