Article 1 F(c) of the 1951 Convention: Denying refugee status because of acts contrary to the purposes and principles of the United Nations
The present document constitutes a summary of some of the main points discussed during the seminar. It is not a full record of proceedings and the views expressed do not necessarily represent those of the Refugee Law Initiative. Professor Goodwin-Gill delivered the following paper.
Criminalization and Victimization of Migrants in Europe
please find below the table of contents of Criminalization and Victimization of Migrants in Europe and the link to the full book (pdf): **CONTENTSIntroduction, Salvatore PALIDDA General aspects– Media and the war on immigration, Marcello MANERI– The Detention Machine, Federico RAHOLA– The U.S. Penal Experiment, Alessandro De GIORGI– The methamorphosis of asylum in Europe, … Continue reading Criminalization and Victimization of Migrants in Europe →