
Indonesia: Amnesty International briefing on the deteriorating human rights situation in Aceh for participants in the ASEAN Regional Forum (AFR), July 2001

Amnesty International is concerned that the new security operations in Aceh have resulted in a further deterioration in the human rights situation. There are daily reports of grave human rights abuses by both the Indonesian security forces and GAM. Amnesty International is particularly concerned by the targeting of human rights defenders, humanitarian workers, journalists and … Seguir leyendo Indonesia: Amnesty International briefing on the deteriorating human rights situation in Aceh for participants in the ASEAN Regional Forum (AFR), July 2001

West Africa: Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone: a human rights crisis for refugees and the internally displaced

Between February and April 2001, Amnesty International delegations visited Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone to interview refugees and internally displaced people. This report provides an overview of the delegations’ findings together with information on human rights abuses obtained subsequently and on the context in which these abuses are taking place. It concludes with recommendations for … Seguir leyendo West Africa: Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone: a human rights crisis for refugees and the internally displaced

Myanmar: the Kayin (Karen) state: militarization and human rights

In February 1999 Amnesty International delegates interviewed dozens of Karen refugees in Thailand who had fled mostly from Papun, Hpa’an, and Nyaunglebin Districts in the Kayin State in late 1998 and early 1999.

Myanmar: aftermath: three years of dislocation in the Kayah state

During February 1999 Amnesty International interviewed dozens of Karenni civilians who had escaped to Thailand in late 1998 and early 1999. They reported recent widespread incidents of forced labour and portering, arbitrary arrests and torture, and extrajudicial killings by the military, which occurred in the context of the internal displacement of civilians in the Kayah … Seguir leyendo Myanmar: aftermath: three years of dislocation in the Kayah state

Myanmar: exodus from the Shan State

Civilians in the central Shan State are suffering the enormous consequences of internal armed conflict, as fighting between the tatmadaw, or Myanmar army, and the Shan State Army-South (SSA-South) continues. The vast majority of affected people are rice farmers who have been deprived of their lands and their livelihoods as a result of the State … Seguir leyendo Myanmar: exodus from the Shan State

Worldwide appeals: June 1999

Includes concerns regarding forcible return by Soudi Arabia of a refugee to Libya.

Myanmar: update on the Shan State

In February 1999 Amnesty International interviewed recently-arrived Shan refugees in Thailand in order to obtain an update on the human rights situation in the central Shan State. The pattern of violations has remained the same, including forced labour and portering, extrajudicial killings, and ill-treatment of villagers. Troops also routinely stole villagers’ rice supplies, cattle, and … Seguir leyendo Myanmar: update on the Shan State

Georgia: summary of Amnesty Internationals concerns

This report lists AI’s concerns in Georgia in 1995-6. It includes a discussion of the concerns of displaced population wishing to return to the area in the future.

Crisis in Eastern Zaire: Amnesty International’s appeal for the protection of human rights in the crisis in Eastern Zaire

This document outlines the human rights situation in Zaire both before and after September 1996. It includes urgent recomendations to the international community.

Burundi: refugees forced back to danger

This document states that refugees from Burundi returning to their country are facing the same human rights abuses that forced them to flee in the first place. The civil war and ethnic violence in Burundi have not abated since October 1993. Killings of unarmed civilians, including the elderly and children, are reported virtually every week. … Seguir leyendo Burundi: refugees forced back to danger