Much work has gone in to the final weeks of peace camp. Much art, music and theatre and, above all, much sharing, collaboration and co-creation. Check out some of the images from week 2 and early week 3 of Peace Camp. Enjoy!
- Music class with Brown
- Learning music inside out
- Making props for “Passages”
- sharing, communicating and collaborating
- sharing, communicating and collaborating
- sharing, communicating and collaborating
- sharing, communicating and collaborating
- Remembering who was here before
- Discussing/Creating DNA
- Complicated art is best made together
- Passages with our purses
- Brainstorming language (s) and migration
- Internal passages
- What we carry in our travels…
- Campers in deep concentration!
- Remembering that our our journeys will always make us rethink “self love, identity and legacy”
- How and why are “passports” and “passages” related?