Collective trauma in northern Sri Lanka: A qualitative psychosocial-ecological study.
Background Complex situations that follow war and natural disasters have a psychosocial impact on not only the individual but also on the family, community and society. Just as the mental health effects on the individual psyche can result in non pathological distress as well as a variety of psychiatric disorders; massive and widespread trauma and … Continue reading Collective trauma in northern Sri Lanka: A qualitative psychosocial-ecological study. →
Collective trauma in the Vanni: A qualitative inquiry into the mental health of the internally displaced due to civil war in Sri Lanka
Background From January to May, 2009, a population of 300,000 in the Vanni, northern Sri Lanka underwent multiple displacements, deaths, injuries, deprivation of water, food, medical care and other basic needs caught between the shelling and bombings of the state forces and the LTTE which forcefully recruited men, women and children to fight on the … Continue reading Collective trauma in the Vanni: A qualitative inquiry into the mental health of the internally displaced due to civil war in Sri Lanka →