Resource loss and psychosocial distress: an application of the conservation of resources (COR) model to the 2004 Asian tsunami in Sri Lanka
Add Gender and Stir, Add Culture and Stir: The UNHCR’s recipe for addressing sexual and gender-based violence in refugee settings
Livelihood strategies and food security in refugee camps
Palestinians in Lebanon between integration and segregation: contextualisation of a conflict
Legal change and social structure: the politics of law in eastern Sudan
The care and placement of unaccompanied children in emergencies
Urban adaptation and survival strategies: the case of displaced groups in Arada area Addis Ababa
The impacts of urban ‘development’ on a peasant community in Ethiopia
Re-relocation and dislocation of communities by ‘development’ projects: the case of Gilgel Gibe dam (1962-2000) in Jimma zone, southwest Ethiopia