Category Archives: blogyada

Free e-book: Asylum, Migration and Humanitarian Action

 ‘Asylum, Migration and Humanitarian Action‘ is a collection of 14 papers written by Jeff Crisp, Head of UNHCR’s Policy Development and Evaluation Service.

1. Policy challenges of the new diasporas: migrant networks and their impact on asylum flows and regimes

2. “Who has counted the refugees?” UNHCR and the politics of numbers
3. A state of insecurity: the political economy of violence in refugee-populated areas of Kenya
4. Africa’s refugees: patterns, problems and policy challenges
5. Mind the gap! UNHCR, humanitarian assistance and the development process
6. Refugee protection and migration management: the challenge for UNHCR (with Damtew Dessalegne)
7. No solutions in sight: the problem of protracted refugee situations in Africa
8. A new asylum paradigm? Globalization, migration and the uncertain future of the international refugee regime
9. The local integration and local settlement of refugees: a conceptual and historical analysis
10. Forced displacement in Africa: dimensions, difficulties and policy directions
11. Beyond the nexus: UNHCR’s evolving perspective on refugee protection and international migration
12. Globalization, poverty and mobility: an introduction to the developmental dimensions of international migration
13. A surrogate state? The role of UNHCR in protracted refugee situations (with Amy Slaughter)
14. In harms way: the irregular movement of migrants to Southern Africa from the Horn and Great Lakes regions (with Katy Long)

Harvard and M.I.T. Team Up to Offer Free Online Courses

In what is shaping up as an academic Battle of the Titans — one that offers vast new learning opportunities for students around the world — Harvard University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology on Wednesday announced a new nonprofit partnership, known as edX, to offer free online courses from both universities.

View the full article here:

Lecture: An Italian Renaissance: Jewish Refugees in Postwar Europe

The Fourth Annual Howard Adelman Lecture was recently held in Toronto, Canada on November 1, 2011 with guest speaker Robert Rubinstein, author of  An Italian Renaissance: Choosing Life in Canada, Winner of the 2011 Canadian Jewish Book Award, in the category of Holocaust Literature.

A beautifully delivered talk on being a Jewish refugee in an Italian camp after the Second World War. As you listen, you realise that not much has changed over the last 60+ years in how camps are run, camp inhabitants treated, and how people try to cope in bureaucratic and sometimes unwelcoming administrations.

View the video HERE


Historic vote extends EU asylum standards to transgender people

Today the European Parliament formally adopted a new set of asylum rules for the European Union. The binding rules now include gender identity as a ground of persecution, which EU Member States must take into account. Governments have already agreed to the changes, which are final.

For more information, visit: