CIEMI – Centre d’information et d’études sur les migrations internationales (Centre for the Study of International Migration) – Paris, France

The Centre for the Study of International Migration is an independent resource centre for documentation on migration based in Paris. Its purpose is to provide information for researchers and the general public on the effect of international migration on the social and cultural basis of nations. Its website provides information on the purpose of the organisation and its activities. It includes details of the library collection and access to its online catalogue. Also offered is information about a number of journals published by the institute. These include: Migrations Europe – a monthly title outlining patterns of migration in Europe, and Migrations Société which is a bi-monthly review examining the impact of migration on society. For both these titles tables of contents are available from 1989 onwards. While the site is offered in English, French and Italian some information, including that relating to the journals, is offered in French only.

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